Resolve C++ is the official programming language of The Ohio State University CIS department. It's key "features" include:

  • Almost a dozen keywords (object, preserves, consumes, ...) that have been #define'd to a blank space.
  • All C++ data types (int, char, etc.) are illegal. Instead, you use classes called Integer, Character, etc.
  • "Clear" naming conventions. There is actually a function called Least_Cost_Path_Machine_Kernel_1a_C_K::Get_First_Vertex_On_A_Least_Cost_Path()
  • The assignment operator is essentially gone, having been replaced by swapping references.
  • A separate 'abstract_description' that is essentially meaningless, but must be included anyway.
  • An excessive reliance on templates. Combined with the above, any time you want to use an object, it requires no fewer than 4 extra files.
  • "Formal Comments" - Code that is meaningless
  • A 'mathematical specification language' that is actually harder to understand than code.

Overall, it is exactly the sort of thing that the designers of C and C++ were hoping to avoid.