Cryptozoology or mass hysteria? The monstrous creature known as Big Bird terrorized parts of south central Texas in the mid-1970s.

It all started in 1976 when two San Benito policemen, Arturo Padilla and Homer Galvan, reported seeing strange black bird-like shapes flying in the early morning skies. A resident of Brownsville, Texas, Alverico Guajardo, later reported hearing a thumping noise outside his mobile home one night -- he looked out to discover a gigantic bird standing in his front yard. "It's like a bird, but it's not a bird," he later said. "That animal is not from this world."

As sightings of the giant bird grew, a radio station offered a reward for the creature's capture, a TV station broadcast a picture of a 12-inch-long bird track, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, fearful that drunken monster hunters would start shooting every bird they saw, released a statement reminding people that most birds were protected by various state and federal laws. In February, several schoolteachers driving to work saw a creature with a twelve-foot wingspan which buzzed their cars; one of the teachers identified it as a prehistoric gliding dinosaur called a pterosaur.

Coincidentally (wink wink, nudge nudge), just a few years earlier, in 1974, paleontologists made a big, high profile find -- the largest known pterosaur, discovered in Big Bend National Park in southwest Texas. Dubbed Quetzalcoatlus by scientists and the Texas Pterosaur by everyone else, it had an incredible 50-foot wingspan, making it the largest flying animal ever. Unlike most other pterosaurs, it lived inland and probably scraped by as a scavenger.

While some people believed that the Big Bird was a living fossil -- a dinosaur which somehow survived to the present day -- most other people suspected that the publicity over the Texas Pterosaur encouraged misidentifications, hallucinations, and outright hoaxes. At any rate, long before the middle of that bicentennial year, sightings of the monster dwindled and finally disappeared as the Big Bird faded back into the shadows.