The brigade de cuisine evolved from the standards set by Georges Auguste Escoffier and is the staff responsible for the activities of each section of a kitchen. In a large restaurant or hotel, everyone takes orders from a chef, also known in kitchen speak as “the big hat”. Working under the chef there may be a small army of people working in various sections, each one headed by its own chef.

A classical brigade de cuisine might include a greater number of sections than those I’ve listed, but these are the most significant.

  • Chef (Director Responsible For a Kitchen Team)
  • Sous Chef
  • Saucier (Sauce Chef)
  • Entremettier (The Vegetable Cook)
  • Potagiste (Soup Chef)
  • Garde- Manger (Larder Chef)
  • Rotisseur (Roast Cook)
  • Commis
  • Chef Patissier (Pastry Chef)
  • Annonceur (The Barker)

  • Sources: Adapted from “Le Cordon Bleu: Professional Cooking” and “Larousse Gastronomique.