Attack of the Pod People

After the last of Heisenberg's brilliant podcasts, I (and many others) felt a deep sadness. The podcasts were always something I looked forward to: it was fun to hear my fellow noders' voices, and I loved to participate in my own ways as well. Recently, Oolong suggested bringing back the podcasts, and I decided to jump in with both feet.

It's going to be hard work, and I don't expect us to match Heizy's quality, or quantity. But we can all have a good time and E2 can have a podcast again. Because this is too much for one noder to handle (with the excption of the aformentioned tireless German), we have started PodPeople

What is PodPeople?
Pod People is a 1983 movie made in Spain. Attempting to cash in on the popularity of E.T.. the Extraterrestrial, the filmmakers brought us a charming little alien, lost on earth. The little fellow is quickly befriended by a little boy with a really irritating voice (as happens in these cases). The whiny child calls the trunk-nosed troll "Trumpy" and has to hide said alien from the adults.

Oh, yeah, you meant the USERGROUP called podpeople. Terribly sorry.

Our usergroup will be directing and producing these podcasts, cajoling others to participate, adding content, and hosting the podcasts as well. We will be having our trial run in about a week, we hope. Podpeople is open to all noders, but you need not belong to the group in order to read for the 'casts.

We are currently pushing to get a Hallowe'en podcast in the next week, so please, hook up your microphone, or go to Radio Shack and get a microphone, record your favourite spooky node, and let me know, we'll put it in!

Any questions? Contact me or Oolong and we'll be happy to help!

Your contributions to this new round of podcasts need not be fancy—just record something you like. Or get a friend, or a fellow noder, and turn a node into a radio play. Or write something for a podcast, that could be fun too. The only thing we ask, is that you get the author's express permission to be reading the node.

I'll be your host for this first one, in the future, we hope to have different hosts for the shows, depending on who steps up to do so. We'll keep you posted on the details!

And I suppose diminutive, trunk-nosed aliens are welcome too, as long as they can read for a podcast.