1. File a police report where you've lost it. This will hopefully help save your credit. "I was diligent in trying to retreive the lost wallet! I cannot be held responsible for that girl's shopping spree!"
  2. Cancel your credit cards.
  3. Call the following three numbers, tell them "I need to place a Fraud Report on my name and social security number, please." After doing this, they will contact you and get your permission before they allow anyone to check your credit.
    • Equifax 1-800 525-6285
    • Experian (formerly TRW) 1-800-301-7195
    • Trans Union 1-800-680-7289
  4. Call the social security administration fraud line at 1-800-269-0271.

Placing a fraud report on your SSN is only necessary if your driver's license number was the same as your SSN, or if your social security card was in said wallet.