It's so easy to lose track.

I'm back from Philly. 'Twas a great trip... Got to see family I either didn't know or forgot I had, and got away from the world in general for a bit. It's great to be home... My webserver stayed up 5 days straight without and crashing, rebooting, or prodding! w0o0o0o0o0t! Over 600 hours of SETI crunching time logged on my three systems...

I missed home... In the 5 days or so of my vacation, I quickly realized exactly how much I like Tampa and my friends here. It might've just been the fact that I had no control - no car, no ability to go off on my own - that made me want to go home...

It's funny how things can go on for awhile without acknowledgement from one of the parties involved. I acknowldge that it's happening, but only recently have I sat down and thought about the ramifications of what's going on. I took off my shirt this afternoon to hop in the shower, and I saw little bruises around my neck - and it set in...

Today, and every day, things change. It changed today, it'll change in the future - but I need to keep up with it... I refuse to lose myself in the tide.