It has been a strange week... and it's only Wednesday.

Two things today:

First thing: I was walking from my apartment to the bus stop to go quit my job. (See third paragraph for no details whatsoever). There was this woman, walking the opposite direction on the other side of the street. She was looking at me, and just before we passed each other, she stopped and said, "Mam?" So I stopped and looked her way, because there was no one else she could possibly be talking to. "Are you a social worker?" she asked.

I have no idea what prompted that question. I was just walking by, with by book bag over my shoulder, wearing baggy cargo pants, a polo shirt, and my Birkenstocks. At this point I'm kind of wishing I had said yes, just to find out why she wanted to know. However, I was rather dumbfounded by the question, and answered simply, "no." She said, "oh, okay," and continued walking.

Second thing: I quit my job. I hadn't even started really, but it's a long story, mostly boring, so I'll spare you. I got a call from Staples yesterday; they want to interview me. I'm excited about that, because it's my favourite store. I've been a retail slave a lot before, and even though the money sucks, I've always enjoyed the work.

I got my marks this week too! Woo! My report card was sent to my parents' house, and my dad scanned it and emailed it to me with this message: "Congratulations! Great marks. Love Daddy." He's such a sweetheart. This is how I fared:

I'm very pleased with these marks. Especially considering what a slacker I am. I'm particularly happy with the two Cs, probably because E2 has brainwashed my into thinking a C! is as good as it gets. No, actually it's because I was failing Critical Thinking at midterm, and brought it up to a C by working my ass off. As for Psychology, I didn't ever go to class, or study, and still managed a C. I went to the first half of the first lecture, and never went again. Now I realise that isn't anything to boast about, but I'm not a psych major, so I don't care. WoO! I RULE! FEAR ME!

Uh... yeah... I'll just go now...