While I agree with kelrin's original node in theory, the malodorous fact is that beauty is important. Much like the statement "I love you." should never need to be parroted by the reciever. The statement itself is in fact a question, "Do you love me?" If the reciever doesn't say "I Love you too." We are left feeling empty and anxious. We need to hear that affirmation, "I love you too." Similarily we need to hear that we are beautiful even though it shouldn't be important.

We are a superficial society. Physical beauty does matter. In fact, aesthetics may matter more than anyone cares to admit. We all want to act like it’s the personality that we are drawn to, but regrettably personality without physical attraction is an equation that leads you directly to Friendville.

Sure we can blame television or model magazines, but even babies know what is attractive and what isn't. Just yesterday I remarked to my husband, "That is my favorite bird out here." Why you might ask? Not because the bird was not selfish at the feeder or had a magnificent swoop, but because it was brilliantly coloured. It was pleasing to the eye.

I, more that most, would be thrilled if wit, charm and grace were of utmost importance in pair bonding or any other part of society for that matter. However, physical appearance draws people together. People who are considered attractive are also assumed to be friendlier, better workers, and more intelligent. Not to mention the fact that more people want to fuck them.

Therefore, women and men both need to be told that they are attractive. We all want to feel desireable. Whether or not it makes them more conscious of their body, or if it is a downright lie, it is a compliment. Compliments feel good. Compliments make people feel happy. If reinforced enough, one might actually begin to believe them. So go on, tell your significant other you think they are beautiful. Tell your friends. Tell your children. Teach them not to argue compliments, just to accept them graciously. It will raise their self esteem.

Until every human pokes out their eyeballs with a sharp stick, beauty will remain extremely important. Luckily, beauty is in the eye of the head up the ass of the beholder. Attractiveness is mostly subjective. Else wise, only 10% of the population would be dating. Some will find you beautiful, more won’t. You will find people beautiful that others may not. Tell them. I bet they would like to hear it.