SPEBSQSA is short for Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of BarberShop Quartet Singing in America. Yes, it is a very long name. You aren't supposed to pronounce SPEBSQSA as a single word. Rather, spell it out every time you say it.

SPEBSQSA is the largest all-male singing organization in the world. It consists of over 800 choruses and over 1800 registered barbershop quartets in the USA and Canada. Eight affiliated organizations include another 3300 male singers to the barbershopping group.

(The eight affiliated organizations are: Australian Association of Men's Barbershop Singers, British Association of Barbershop Singers, Barbershop in Germany, Dutch Association of Barbershop Singers, Irish Association of Barbershop Singers, New Zealand Association of Barbershop Singers, Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers, and Southern Part of Africa Tonsorial Singers)

The female affiliated barbershop organizations consist of the Sweet Adelines International and Harmony, Inc.. SPEBSQSA and all their affiliated organizations bring the number of registered barbershopers to over 70,000 persons worldwide.