A state of being wherein Party A (usually a female with problems relating to males as people) is utterly enamoured of the idea of being in love, and of the assumption that others pine for what she has. Someone who is "in love with being in love" either soulfully believes in "destiny" or views love as something she can flaunt to the world and, more specifically, to her friends.

This type of person tends to put more weight on gifts, flowers, cutesey nicknames, mushy pop songs, and Public Displays Of Affection than he/she does on what his/her significant other really wants out of life. Often spotted online, these relationships are as shallow as spit and invariably break up when the lovebirds have been together long enough to get a good hard look at each other's real self.

See also in love with being loved.

In love with being loved (move/copied here by request):

A pattern of thinking which often leads to abuse. Someone who is "in love with being loved" believes that he/she (usually she) is worthless unless he/she has someone who loves them -- or at least is willing to say so. Once this person finds someone who loves them (real or no), she will cling to him as if her life depends upon being his other half. Friends are often treated to burbling diatribes on how deliriously happy the couple is...alternating with torrents of tempestuous tears every time she thinks they may be "breaking up" or that she's "not good enough for him."

Women like this pretty much always wind up dating abusive jerks or sending guys screaming into the night thanks to their clinginess and mood swings. Men like this are either obsessively jealous or constantly disappointed by girls willing to abuse their golden retriever nature.

See also in love with being in love.