The gredunza plays a vital role in the animated version of The Cat In The Hat, which I used to have on video. In the cartoon (released in 1972), the Cat visits the kids' house looking for the gredunza (although it never actually appears onscreen). As stated above, this gives the Cat an idea: He, the kids, and his Things will search the entire house, marking every object with various numbers, letters, and words. Being little and with no sense, this led me to start marking certain objects in the house with a dry-erase marker...

The animated version has a more developed plot than the book, and although it doesn't cover everything in the book, it introduces a bigger role for the Fish, who goes by an elaborate name that escapes me at the moment, and has plenty of songs. And what Dr. Seuss cartoon would be complete without a giant hat-fest which teaches you multilingual ways to say "Cat in a hat", including French (chat in a chapeau) and Spanish (el gato in a sombrero)?