the twelfth Oz book by L. Frank Baum

A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure
Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, assisted
by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow
of Oz, and Polychrome, the
Rainbow's Daughter

This Book
is dedicated
to the son of
my son
Frank Alden Baum


I know that some of you have been waiting for this story of the Tin Woodman, because many of my correspondents have asked me, time and again whatever became of the "pretty Munchkin girl" whom Nick Chopper was engaged to marry before the Wicked Witch enchanted his axe and he traded his flesh for tin. I, too, have wondered what became of her, but until Woot the Wanderer interested himself in the matter the Tin Woodman knew no more than we did. However, he found her, after many thrilling adventures, as you will discover when you have read this story.

I am delighted at the continued interest of both young and old in the Oz stories. A learned college professor recently wrote me to ask: "For readers of what age are your books intended?" It puzzled me to answer that properly, until I had looked over some of the letters I have received. One says: "I'm a little boy 5 years old, and I Just love your Oz stories. My sister, who is writing this for me, reads me the Oz books, but I wish I could read them myself." Another letter says: "I'm a great girl 13 years old, so you'll be surprised when I tell you I am not too old yet for the Oz stories." Here's another letter: "Since I was a young girl I've never missed getting a Baum book for Christmas. I'm married, now, but am as eager to get and read the Oz stories as ever." And still another writes: "My good wife and I, both more than 70 years of age, believe that we find more real enjoyment in your Oz books than in any other books we read." Considering these statements, I wrote the college professor that my books are intended for all those whose hearts are young, no matter what their ages may be.

I think I am justified in promising that there will be some astonishing revelations about The Magic of Oz in my book for 1919. Always your loving and grateful friend,

Royal Historian of Oz.


1. Woot the Wanderer
2. The Heart of the Tin Woodman
3. Roundabout
4. The Loons of Loonville
5. Mrs. Yoop, the Giantess
6. The Magic of a Yookoohoo
7. The Lace Apron
8. The Menace of the Forest
9. The Quarrelsome Dragons
10. Tommy Kwikstep
11. Jinjur's Ranch
12. Ozma and Dorothy
13. The Restoration
14. The Green Monkey
15. The Man of Tin
16. Captain Fyter
17. The Workshop of Ku-Klip
18. The Tin Woodman Talks to Himself
19. The Invisible Country
20. Over Night
21. Polychrome's Magic
22. Nimmie Amee
23. Through the Tunnel
24. The Curtain Falls

Noder’s Notes: This twelfth book in Baum’s Oz series was the last published while he was alive, although he had completed two more books while it was at the publishers. The plot continues along the common theme of a journey of a few famous Oz characters while introducing a new main character and exploring an unknown region of Oz.

The full story of the Tin Woodman’s past has been hinted at in previous books, and most people have often wondered why he never sought out the fiancé he left behind while rusted in a forest for ages. This book satisfies that curiosity. Of note in this book is the history of Oz’s fairy-protected origin, an encounter with dragons, a Tin twin, and a boggling discussion Nick Chopper has with his own head. There is also lots of limbs hacked up and much magical witchcraft and wizardry, with a transformation of the Tin Woodman into an owl not unlike Bobo in the film Clash of the Titans.

While still an entertaining read, this book does drag in parts, and pales in comparison to the adventures of the previous book, and the invasion in the next.

A few curious lines discovered in this book:

I was so beautiful and bright that I had no need of clothing
When I sneeze, I get cross, and when I get cross I'm liable to do something wicked.
I have never seen a pea-green monkey before, and it strikes me you are quite gorgeous.
I am so noisy, just now, that I disturb myself
her movements were like the shifting of sunbeams
dwell only on facts and never borrow trouble
I do not think at all, but allow my velvet heart to guide me at all times.
I hope I'm not too particular about my associates, but I draw the line at pigs.
they both knew that a critical moment in their lives had arrived

...previous Oz book...More Oz...first chapter...