Nature, in her wisdom and motherly goodness, is always looking out for us. She wants us to have a healthy, well-rounded diet and since she can't be there to cook us all dinner at night, she's done the next best thing:

She left us a color-coded chart.

That's right! The colors in the fresh fruits and vegetables we eat are signs of the phytochemicals that keep us healthy! Eating some from every color under Roy G. Biv will improve your diet and your life.

Red fruits and veggies contain:

anthocyanins, flavonoids, lycopene, phenolic acids, and vitamin C.

Benefits Include:

increased circulation
stabilized blood pressure
lowered risk of skin and breast cancer
alleviated PMS/menopausal symptoms


beets • cherriescranberriesguavakidney beans • pimentos • strawberriesraspberries • red apples • red cabbage • red onion • red peppers • tomatoes • watermelon

Orange & Yellow fruits and veggies contain:

beta carotene, bioflavanoids, lutein, vitamin C, and zeaxanthin.

Benefits Include:

strengthened immune system
fortified bones
good vision maintained
reduced risk of heart disease


cantaloupecarrots • corngrapefruitlemons • nectarines • orange peppers • oranges • peaches • pumpkins • sweet potatoestangerines • yellow apples • yellow squash

Green fruits and veggies contain:

lutein, isoflavones, indoles and polyphenois, vitamin C.

Benefits Include:

reduced risk of breast and prostate cancer
lowered risk of stroke
tension and stress relief
protection of eyes


bok choibroccolibrussel sprouts • cabbagegreen apples • honeydewkiwifruitlettucepeas • spinach

Blue & Purple fruits and veggies contain:

anthocyanins, bioflavanoids, resveratrol, phenolic acids.

Benefits Include:

lowered cholesterol
stabilized blood pressure
reduced risk of Alzheimer's
slowed aging processes
reduced risk of cancer



White (yes I know it's not a color of the rainbow) fruits and veggies contain:

allium-sulfur compounds, ajoene.

Benefits Include:

strengthened immune system
lowered cholesterol
reduced risk of stroke
blood clots eliminated
reduced risk of cancer


chivesgarliconions • shallots

To keep your diet as healthy as possible, try to have meals rich in color. The phytochemicals in the foods we eat are partly what give them their vibrant hues, so taking fruits and vegetables from every color will help you to get the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. Taste the rainbow.

The majority of information here came from the article, "Follow the rainbow... to good health." Author unknown.
Some additional information came from