Quake III: Corkscrew Railgun

If you've ever played Quake II, you will know that the railgun has a corkscrew around it. If you like that effect, you can also use it in Quake III Arena! Simply type /cg_oldrail 0 in your console, and set your colors with the following commands:

Beam Color: /color1 <number>

Corkscrew Color: /color2 <number>

  1. Blue
  2. Green
  3. Cyan
  4. Red
  5. Violet
  6. Yellow
  7. White

Now you have a personalized corkscrew railgun! But remember: only people who have it activated can see your corkscrew color, and people who have cg_oldrail set to 1 will generally have a purple corkscrew (unless they like it), because it's the default.

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