Hinduism differs from most western religions in that it does not have one founder or one moral or theological system.

Hinduism is the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam. About 762 million people are followers - about 13% of the world's population. It is the dominant religion in India (Bharat), Nepal, and Sri Lanka. There are about 1.1 million Hindus in the United States, and about 157,015 in Canada.

Hinduism is one of the worlds most tolerant religions, accepting most beliefs, including the belief that Jesus is the son of God (an incarnation). However, during the past few years, a Hindu nationalistic political party has controlled the government of India, and the linking of religion and politics has caused less tolerance.

Hinduism is referred to as Sanatana Dharma, the eternal faith. Hinduism is not strictly a religion. It is based on the practice of Dharma, the code of life. Since Hinduism has no founder, you can't follow anyone specific, so anyone who practises Dharma can call themselves "Hindu".

Hinduism is also the oldest religion. But despite this, the truth realized by the seekers prove that the Truth and path provided by Hinduism transcends time. While religion means "to bind", Dharma means "to hold". One isn't bound to any system. By reading the scriptures (Itihaasas, PuraaNas, Agamas, Vedanta-sutras, and Vedas) provide the foundation for seeking the path and Truth.

info and stats from www.religioustolerance.org