An email from a friend (in italics) and my response. Myriad grammar is authentic translation from poor but stylish and personal Finnish.

Subject: So, you wanna really know an anarchist..?

The reason why I haven't response your email before is simply the fact THAT I HAVEN'T BEEN IN T. in spring 2001 but at home-home in U. combined sick-leave and so called sabbath-leave. The fact is that when a spring semester started I wasn't even remotely in condition to study and better feelings came not before than late February after which I could principally have done some credit units but I decided it to be better for my wee head to fuck of the university. When it doesn't interest, it simply does not... Let's see in autumn again or whatever...

Nice to hear you're in the book of living ones and the direction is towards the better future. I have to admit that I already was a wee bit worried and, well, my lively imagination produces a loads of shite how the future could be.. :-)
My earnest distinction to the fact you eventually took the strings in yer own hands; it's not always the easy thing to do.

...The contract has been signed and work will start Monday 7.5. 8.00AM. I remembered this very same job was for the reason quite familiar to you so if you want to give me a briefing; what kind of work I should expect to come; I would be grateful.

It was the time I read Utopia by More and before that I escaped the reality into my very own imaginary worlds. The very best thing to know about that thing is the fact yer purse will be 50 000 mk bigger in the end of the summer; gross. Btw, it's not hard to quess who offers a round...

And there's something happening in the women-front. Wee dating has been going on with one girl for about a month. That's been likely to uplift the feelings by some strange way ;). And it has been surprisingly luxorious time as a dwelling-counsellor...

I have myself concentrated in killing the hope in my heart, if it is to be said poetically. We were contemplating this cold reality of life with brother J when I started to count the cold facts and difficulties caused by them. "Tragedies to humans are arranged by the reality." - Dmitri Karamazov
But whatta heck; it's a defence mechanism that's rooted so deeply inside myself that I can even type that paragraph above with ironical smile on my face; this is just to make it sure this limited format of communication carries the true content of message.

So you have laid down a job from software company? Good thing. If not, at least the money comes in, or what? I'm sort of ripped of at the moment so the work or the money, I was supposed to say, will meet the real demand. When you're coming back home from Ireland? Maybe end of June. Then you better eventually take me to the summer cottage to have some sauna and swimming, to take a few beers and let's talk bullshit:).

Umh, I haven't heard anything from that company for a while nor I don't have any idea about the salary but the last message was very outspokenly promising. My already notorious imagination has anyway arranged several alternative work/dwelling opportunities from Toulouse, Strasburg, Ljublanska and beyond The Great Water - so there are plans for each finger!
Hey, I'm P's imagination! You might remember me from such daydreams as "Petty bourgeois paradise in south of France" and "Charity work - in the search of meaningful life"
But let's save the rest of the shite to the quay. I think I'm back to Uganda 16.6. and I was going to bypass Guthenberg:
So long...