Ah well Howard has been on a diet.....he says he has to loose 4 pounds before he goes back to the doc or he has to buy the doctor lunch.....and Howard is tight with a buck, says the doctor hates him because he saved the doc's marriage and plans on bribing the nurse! Only Howard would do think this way, only Howard!!

The Hubby came up to me yesterday and insisted I read the following out of this months Reader's Digest:

I wanted a haircut and phoned a salon early for an appointment with a highly recommended stylist. I was told customers were taken on a walk-in basis only. On Saturday I got there by 9 a.m, only to learn it was the hairdresser's day off. I drove to another salon, but it was booked solid. Still another had no openings.

The situation seemed hopeless, so I went home. My husband greeted me at the door. "That was fast," he said cheerfully." Your hair looks great!"

That's you and me, he says. I laughed and agreed that's definitely sounds like us!

Yesterday I was in the middle of making spaghetti and meatballs when the guys from Sprint Broadband showed up to replace a faulty modem. So far the service has been excellent and much faster. They let us use earthlink dail up as a back up until they could get out to the house. Spent an interesting time with tech support on the phone learning about pings and painting! Number Two Son walks in the door, looks at me sitting at the computer and says,Ohhh pretty!!!! ...except he's NOT looking at his mom he's looking at the new modem! Ah the heartbreaks of raising a geek!

Ran into BaronCarlos in the dark alley last night, he said NO pinging is not coding (which I thought I had done), but a protocol.
" The Story of Ping,A great story. (Geek Bedtime Stories)," Carlos declared deviantly and sent me the URL for the
Slashdot Review:
How neat, I have read that book to kids in the classroom, now I can tell them about the analogy of the ping utility!

Dad has caught two racoons and a silver fox in his Have-a Heart trap, which is a big surprise to me because the quadimundi inhabit the same niche in the Sonoran Desert as the racoon does in it's native habitat. He painted one of the racoons tails gold and the other white, then dropped them about 14 miles away hoping they won't make there way back to his garden.
We have thought of thy lovingkindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple.
-Psalm 48:9 (KJV)
