Day three of Lost Gems of Yesteryear sees us add 7 writeups to the master list, and all of them by authors new to the list! I wanted to type 'fresh writeups' but of course that's untrue. But hopefully some will be new to you, which is entirely the point. We also have some excellent supporting writeups from our quest submitters, several of which you'll find in this day log node.

Writeups nominated on or about 3 August 2007:

Brawl's choice: Panama Hat

One of my choices is Panama Hat by GrouchyOldMan. PH is, to me, an outstanding example of an e2 factual node. Done well, an e2 factual can be vastly different than an encyclopedia-style article, and PH is done very well indeed. It's written by someone who knows his topic, and has done the research, but more importantly it's written by someone who cares. Passion for the subject makes the material engaging. Good writing on e2 is not dry, and not 'neutral' -- it is personal, it is vibrant, it is one person telling others about something that matters to them.

Read this writeup and you'll learn all that needs knowing about Panama Hats, and you'll probably be amazed at how much there is. Yet there are no detours, no filler, just a thoroughly readable journey into the myriad complexities of this unassuming millinery item. But better yet, read this and you'll know something about a person who owns a Panama Hat.