While ariels gives these tasty little suckers a bit of a bad rap they aren't hard to make. While its true that you will burn yourself while cooking these, you should not maim yourself, set fire to anything, fill your kitchen with (too much) smoke, and ruin the meal. So I present to you a slightly different way to make fried eggplant rounds.

Start with your eggplant, washed but unskinned. Slice it into thin rounds about a quarter inch thick. Start to heat your oil in a frying pan now so it will be nice and hot by the time you need it. It would also be a good idea to open a window and turn on a fan before things get too hectic.

Now put two eggs in a bowl and beat until mixed. Pour about a half cup of cornmeal into another bowl. Here comes the tricky part. Dip an eggplant round into the eggs, then roll it around in the cornmeal until it is fully covered. Then just plop it into the hot oil (caution is advised; as we should all know oil burns are no fun). Repeat until your frying pan is full, by now it's probably time to flip the first round. You are aiming for golden brown and crispy, probably no more than 2-4 minutes a side. I use a fork to flip them, as it also lets me know if they are getting crunchy yet. While you wait for them to cook, prepare the rest of the rounds. Then all you have to do is remove the cooked rounds, refill the oil if it too low, and chuck in some more eggplant.

They should be served with a side of pasta while still absurdly hot. That's all there is to it. No need to squeeze out the excessive oil they absorbed when they come out of the frying pan, no need to conceal their blackened undersides, no need to suffer massive bodily injury. Filling your kitchen with black smoke isn't needed, but it can happen on its own (I told you to open a window and turn on a fan). Look on the bright side, it will make everyone else think you worked a lot harder on the meal than you did.