I realized today that, aside from Quizro's nice bibliographic summary above, the nodegel is fairly bereft of things Huff. Which is odd, since she's a prolific and popular author. There's even a TV show, Blood Ties, based on her Victoria Nelson books.

So, I hereby declare a Tanya Huff mini-quest for the month of February. I'll give a 50XP bonus and chingery to every good review of her books (or writeup of her series characters) that you post on E2.

For ease-of-noding, here's her up-to-date bibliography. Please message me when you post, and I'll list your contribution beside the relevant book title. If someone's already covered a book you want to node, please node it anyhow. Reviews love good company.


Victoria Nelson Series (Blood Books)

Smoke Books

Quarters Novels

Wizard Crystal Series

Keeper's Chronicles

Confederation Series

Non-Series Novels



Titles and series categories from her official site at www.tanyahuff.net.