A social psychology term, referring to the practice of soliciting a favor by first asking for something one couldn't possibly hope to receive. This is followed by asking for what you really wanted to begin with, which now looks like a very small favor by comparison.

An example of this would be a charity solicitor asking you to donate several hours of your time to hand-washing a pile of kittens who have been involved in a tragic oil spill. You would probably not have the time or desire to clean oily kittens, but you are more likely to say yes to the solicitor's follow-up question: "Would you be willing to make a small donation to our cause?"

The Door-in-Face Technique utilizes The Compromise Effect and is the opposite of the Foot-in-the-door technique. It is one of the three Compliance Traps, along with Foot-in-the-door technique and Low ball technique.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini