Sesame Street was respectible, once upon a time. If you were to watch it you'd learn real-life morality, how to count to 12, and a smattering of Spanish.

Then came Elmo.

Elmo: a saccharin-sweet character designed with the obvious intent of selling toys. Annoying to adults, endearing to childish teenagers, and idolized by children. He doesn't teach anything except how to be a loud, obnoxious hyperactive nuisance with atrocious grammar.

And from Elmo came more marketable characters, and in huge droves. And then they started Elmo's World, where they dedicate a whole 5 minutes to even more inane nothingness, of which most of the time is seemingly taken up by the theme song.

Makes me sick.


In an even more annoying twist, according to the venerable General Wesc (who we know watches Sesame Street and so he'd know):
    [It's no longer] just 5. Elmo's World is a 15 MINUTE segment (with the same one FIVE DAYS IN A ROW and after a week of the same one they change ONE WORD OF IT and play instead.)
This is the last straw. He must be stopped.