"These things happened. They were glorious and they changed the world... and then we fucked up the endgame" - Charlie Wilson

          Charlie Wilson's War
is the 2007 biopic based upon U.S Congressman Charlie Wilson and his assistance to the Mujahideen in their fight against the Soviet Union, which has invaded the country of Afghanistan. The film stars Tom Hanks as the indulgent and lewd Texan, Charlie Wilson. Charlie is portrayed as a sleazy and lustful partier, with scenes involving sex, hot tubs, and cocaine to name a few. Opposite to Charlie is Joanne Herring, played by Julia Roberts as a lavish and quick-witted love interest to Charlie, and is described as the "6th richest women in Texas.” And co-starring is Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Gust Avrakotos, a hot-headed and cynical CIA agent who supports Charlie in his attempt to support the Mujahideen. Gust provides comic relief as a blunt and vulgar motor-mouth who always speaks his mind.

          The film begins with a quick peek into Charlie's personal life. He is seen lounging around a hot-tub with numerous topless women, drinking away. On the television is a report by Dan Rather, who is reporting from Afghanistan, and it marks the start of Charlie's interest in the Mujahideen war. From that point, the film follows Charlie’s efforts in the Soviet-Afghan war, which sadly, is a greypoint in history for many Americans. From the start, the plot moves rather quickly, and it avoids dragging as experienced by so many other historical biographies. It is engaging, and scenes are peppered with witty dialogue and memorable one-liners from a cast of diverse personalities.
          The dialogue is written with a certain political savvy that is rarely captured in this caliber in political movies. Many times, I found myself laughing at Phillip Seymour Hoffman's political rants about his colleagues, but at the same time being entirely impressed with his seemingly overwhelming knowledge of foreign affairs.

"Well, that's because Harold Holt is a tool. He's a cake-eater, he's a clown, he's a bad station chief, and I don't like to cast aspersions on a guy, but he's going to get us all killed." - Gust

          The chemistry between characters is genuinely felt, most notably between Joanne (Julia Roberts) and Charlie (Tom Hanks). Their love affair plays out right in front of us in the form of amusing quarrels and playful banter, and although there are no sex scenes between the two, it is hinted at throughout the movie.
  • Charlie: I'm a liberal.
  • Joanne: *grabs butt* Not where it counts.

          One memorable scene between the two, and one which really shows Julia Roberts' pure talent as an actress, shows a close-up of Joanne meticulously plucking her eyebrows with a pin whilst simultaneously giving an intelligible speech about the war. It is memorable scenes like this where the clever dialogue really shines, and the two's screen time together is wholly cherished.

            The real standout character is this movie is Phillip Seymour Hoffman, who was nominated for an Academy Award for his performance. His performance, from his first argument with a higher-up to his last story of the Zen master, is an absolute gem to watch.
  • Gust Avrakotos: Yeah you're fucking Roger's fiance, and you know I know.
  • Cravely: I'm not... I'm not... I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response.
  • Gust Avrakotos: Yeah yeah, you're dignifying her in the ass, at the Jefferson Hotel, Room 1210, but let me ask you, the 3000 agents Turner fired, was that because they lacked diplomatic skills as well?

Because his character is such a likable one, I felt like he didn’t have enough screen time, and left the movie wanting more of him.

          The directing in this movie from Mike Nichols, who's repertoire include The Graduate and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, are up to the standard of this legendary director. Nichols creatively incorporates real-life footage from the Soviet-Afghan war into the film, and does so in a natural and flowing manner. The scenes involving an Afghan refugee camp are emotionally invoking without showing too much as to be exploitive. The portrayal of the Mujahideen is sympathetic, and on the counter, the portrayal of the Soviets is hard and barbarous. Although much is to be said about the directing, where this film really shines is in the writing. Aaron Sorkin, who is no stranger to political movies (A Few Good Men and The American President), does an exceptional job on creating an interesting yet historically accurate narrative that also is genuinely funny and a joy to watch.

          Towards the end of the movie, there's an exchange between Gust and Charlie which stands as a clever connotation to the parallels between the Soviet-Afghan war and the September 11 attacks.
  • Gust Avrakotos: There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse... and everybody in the village says, "how wonderful. The boy got a horse" And the Zen master says, "we'll see." Two years later, the boy falls off the horse, breaks his leg, and everyone in the village says, "How terrible." And the Zen master says, "We'll see." Then, a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight... except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up. and everybody in the village says, "How wonderful."
  • Charlie Wilson: Now the Zen master says, "We'll see."

         In reality, among the Afghans that fought against the Soviet Union was a young Osama Bin Laden, who later founded Al-Qaeda, the terrorist group responsible for the September 11 attacks. There is no direct mention of the unintended consequences of America's aid to the Mujahideen in the movie, and because of this there is no dilution of the accomplishments achieved by Charlie and various other characters in this film. And although this film points out some issues and corruption in the government in that era, it is deeply patriotic, which I view as a rare but appreciated quality in current political films.

          In the end, Charlie Wilson's War stands on its own, not only as a biopic of a great man, but as a drama and a comedy that is politically intelligent and witty in the same instance.


"Without Charlie, history would be hugely, and sadly different"