College Bowl is pure, wholesome geek-fun. The game goes by a number of different names and there are variations the way its played, but in my high school and the ones nearby its called "College Bowl" (we're in high school- go figure) and these are the rules:

  1. A game is played by two opposing teams of four players each, and also includes a judge (obviously). Every player has a buzzer.
  2. When a free-respond question is asked, there is an interval of 5 seconds in which any player from either team can buzz in to give the correct answer. If he or she buzzes in before the judge is finished reading the question, and is incorrect, (s)he gets 1 point taken away from his/her team. Otherwise, if the given answer is correct, the responder's team gets one point.
  3. When a team gets a correct answer to a free-respond question, the proctor proceeds to ask its member a bonus question, which only they can answer. There is an interval of 30 seconds in which the team members can confer on the question and decide on an answer which their captain, who sits closest to the judge, tells to him/her. If the answer is correct, that team gets 1 point.
  4. Regardless of whether a team gets a correct or incorrect answer in a bonus question, the next question is another free-respond.
  5. A game takes half an hour, and is made up of two 15-minute rounds. In between rounds 1 and 2 a team can make substitutions. Usually the captain rotates out the 1 or 2 lowest performing players in round 1 and inserts other players.
I know, it sounds dumb. But the game is ideal for brilliant, fidgety people. This is my second year as captain of my school's varsity college bowl team, and it is (sadly) the most satisfying things I have done in all my four years of high school.