Today was a good day. I found a piece of braided rope on the sidewalk and made it into a bracelet. I found an "Arrow Security" security guard button-down shirt next to the highway to wear...

And I stole a Stop sign to decorate my room. Here's how:

To steal a traffic or a street sign you'll need, most importantly, a monkey wrench. Not a screwdriver- municipal signs (in New York State, at least) are affixed to a metal post via nuts and bolts. If these are rusted you'll want some "liquid wrench", a clear liquid you squirt into rusted bolts to eat away the rust- you can get some at any hardware store. If your target sign is still standing, as opposed to having already fallen over- you'll probably need a stepladder. Whereas, if the sign has already fallen you can feel less guilty- if you're predisposed to feeling guilty- because you aren't the one creating a potentially hazardous traffic situation. Then again, maybe the bourgeouis SUV drivers deserve to crash into each other (the subject of many other nodes I'm sure). And if it's nighttime, and the sign isn't close to a streetlamp, a flashlight will come in handy. If you live in a zealously civic minded neighborhood, one where the vigilantes may attack perceived deviants, i recommend stealing the sign at night. And maybe bringing pepper spray.