Rise at ~11:00am, shower and shave and trim nails. Almost out of soap, I will have to visit the health-food store for a refill of Doc Bronner's peppermint liquid soap. I plan to do this today, but it cascades to tomorrow by nightfall.
Grocery shopping. I have needed fresh smilk for weeks, and I actually feel like shopping today! Bread, Sunday breakfast bagels and cinnamon buns, 2 glasses to replace the one (my only) that my flatmate broke, coffee ("french roast", my consistent favorite), cereal, a stir-fry pan and some tofu and veggies. You'd think I was vegetarian or something, until we reach the cold cuts. A pound of cajun roast beef should dispel that notion. I'm not vegetarian, I just hate cooking meat.
Around the house: I truly intend to paint the small bedroom, which I use for a big junk closet but which would make a fine guest room. In preparation, I completely empty it. Flatmate is trying to sleep off a sick headache, so I refrain from vacuuming; instead I wash dishes, clean the stove, prepare the new non-stick stir-fry pan by heating some olive oil in it, and rearrange my pantry cabinets. Then flatmate's sister arrives, we smoke a little and chat. I start getting antsy for my friends Adam & Cris to call by about 5:00.
Night Out. I had proposed a movie, but we end up at the Montclair Book Center. Adam browses for-freaking-ever. I used to love book shopping; since the most recent move, every book and CD is a reminder that I have a problem with accumulating Stuff that I definitely don't need and often don't even use. I almost buy a CD, I almost buy a book (twice), and I almost buy a magazine.
From the bookstore, we walk to a Mexican restaurant (Mexicali Rose), with a 20-minute wait; while we wait, we check out a Thai restaurant (Tup Tim), and stay there instead. I have iced chi and shrimp scampi (it was in Thai on the menu, I swear), Adam has duck with curry and pineapple, Cris has broccoli & tofu in curry. I have been asking them out for dinner for their April birthdays since April, now I can finally buy them dinner. They are going to Milan for their wedding (neither of them is remotely Italian) in two weeks; Adam has at least 5 plans for "when we get back, we'll have to..." try the Mexican restaurant, go to the Cloisters museum in Manhattan, visit our favorite Mongolian restaurant (The Magic Pan in Garwood), go clubbing, etc.
Thoughts on my domestic burst of energy. I did something nice for me yesterday (visited the library), so today I'm returning the favor. Rewards are important in self-motivation, how does it work when the reward precedes the desired behavior?