Shortly after the movie came out, I saw a political cartoon portraying the different view points from a teenager and a veteran.
One side was the vet saying something about the horrors of Pearl Harbor. The teenager is on the other side saying "The special effects were awesome." At the bottom is the caption, "How Pearl Harbor will be remembered."
With this in mind, I saw the movie on Memorial Day. The battle sequence was very well done. It did show how much destruction the Japanese caused and revealed the death and carnage not only on the ships and ground, but also in the hospital.
The love story aspect of it was different for a war movie. Saving Private Ryan had a love in it, the brotherhood that forms between men. This movie had it, but it also had a love triangle with Ben Affleck. However, the war and love scenes were separated so it seemed that the war memories were not desecrated by a Ben Affleck love story.