My team at work provides SysAdmin support. Every day at 3:00 PM, we send out a test page. Usually it is some odd fact like those you see in frequent e-mail forwards.

We also have a Friday breakfast rotation. Everyone signs up on the list, and, on Friday, the responsible individual brings in bagels, donuts, or the like.

This morning, Kevin, the designate for the day, took a vacation day, and forgot to hand off responsibility to a back up. As manager for the team, I stepped up and got bagels.

The people in charge of the paging sent out a special daily test page:

In ancient Rome, a person who forgot Friday donuts was fed to the lions.

This went to anyone at my office who carries a pager. Kevin also got a message stating that the Lions would be in on Monday.

We haven't heard from Kevin yet, though one guy did get a call on his cell phone.

Hey, you have to keep the job interesting.