With college becoming the choice of millions for those seeking sex and life after cruel and unusual punishment, here are a few pointers to help you out on that big fat important first day of college level classes

Try to pick a seat way in the back of the class / lecture hall - Seating in any class is a very very serious affair and also a very permanent decision (almost as permanent as choosing which side of the bed to sleep on with your gf/bf and or dog/cat). Choosing a seat in the very rear of the room will not only make it damn near impossible to hear the lecturer, it will also make it easier for your to catch up on that much needed sleep from the previous night's bout of keg standing

Avoid bringing a writing implement to class - Why be responsible when you can rely on the abundant prepared-ness (if that is a word) of anonymous strangers. Try bugging anyone around you (at least once in every cardinal direction) for a pen, pencil or some paper. Better yet, If you are in an art class, try begging a whole paint set off of your fellow classmates. Bonus points for bumming anything from the professor.

This concludes today's lesson. Give it the old college try.