Drove my mom to work in the morning. When we got out of the house, I noticed this green Eagle Talon parked a few houses over on the opposit side of the street. I pointed it out to her:"That's the car I wanted to buy, but my friendsdissuaded me...". My mom's saying that I'm to money-centered lately. Whatever. Anyhow I drove her to work, came home ate some breakfast and watched I dream of Jeannie. I rather like that show, it's entertaining, and the actress is sort of pretty. It's disconcerning to know that she's probably older then my grandmother right now. When I was leaving a house, a good looking chinese girl exited the house and went to the aforementioned Talon. I briefly entertained the idea of talking to her:
Me: "Hi, that's a nice car you've got there"
Her: "Uhhh ok...."
Me: "Yeah I wanted to buy one but I dont think I will, what do you think about it anyway"?
Her:"Well it's ok..sorta small i guess. I don't mind..." that's where she begins to look around, look at her watch
Me:"Cool. So how come I've never seen you around? Are you visiting or something?"
Her:"Yes. Boyfriend. Sorry, I gotta go"
This took me about half a second, as I was standing there and i decided against that(talking to her that is). What a chicken, eh. I hate myself.
Go to work. Working. Played foosball. Meeting Mike and all for a movie tonight or something. Free pizza and The Matrix on lunch.. Perhaps update later.
We just watched matrix. Everyone's walking around saying "there is no spoon.". it's quite funny. This was the the third time i watched matrix. god keanu reeves is a fool. also carrie-anne moss is very nice in leather pants. heh. pizza was good.