Earlier in this node, raverDave said:
"Of course, nothing except for crystal meth fucks your brain up like E does. Because so much serotonin is released into you synapses, your serotonin reuptake transporters go into overdrive. Their job is to move excess serotonin from the synapse to a place inside the neuron where a chemical degrades the serotonin into Monoamine Oxidase."
Two clarifications:

Serotonin does NOT degrade into Monoamine Oxidase. Monoamine oxidase is a chemical produced by the brain that deactivates certain compounds, such as serotonin, MDMA, and methamphetamine, by stripping the NH3 molecule from the compound, hence rendering it inactive. This is the reason why it is dangerous to take MAO Inhibitors together with MDMA, methamphetamine, or similiar compounds. MAO-Inhibitors temporarily suppress monoamine oxidase, meaning that the brain cannot "defuse" these chemicals.

Secondly, and a slightly more subtle point, is the fact that the way methamphetamine fucks up your brain is completely different from the way ecstasy fucks up your brain. Ecstasy causes damage to the serotonin receptors leading to problems with mood, sleep, and appetite, while methamphetamine accelerates the natural decay of the dopamine system, causing premature Parkinson's Disease.