A long time ago
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...Part 2

I, and some others create these root logs so:

  • the general E2 populace can see some of what is happening behind the scenes
  • we (the root log authors, and edevites) know just what the heck is going on ... you can fit much more in a writeup than in a /msg

If you like boring coding history, you can start at the first root log and work your way forwards.

Since it seems that JB has kicked my behind in the useless-formatting-of-what-we-did category, I'll just stick with a simple format ... at least for this month.

the sixth day of the month March in the two thousandth and second year of our LORD

  • softlink (htmlcode) - cleaned up code a bit, added some code to remove bad softlinks, added support for a variable number of columns

the eighth day of the month March in the two thousandth and second year of our LORD

the ninth day of the month March in the two thousandth and second year of our LORD

the tenth day of the month March in the two thousandth and second year of our LORD

  • created pseudoExec (htmlcode), which safely allows anyone to create (very specific) semi-dynamic content
  • made the topic display in nodelets other users and chatterbox run through pseudoExec

the eleventh day of the month March in the two thousandth and second year of our LORD

the eighteenth day of the month March in the two thousandth and second year of our LORD

  • modified displayWriteupInfo (htmlcode) so links formed in the writeup header talk area now have &lastnode_id=node_id in the link, for easy softlink creation
  • added ignore-usergroup support to sendPrivateMessage (htmlcode) (note: usergroup messages don't call this yet anyway)

the twenty third day of the month March in the two thousandth and second year of our LORD

  • (and the previous few days) added even more options for the caller of nodeletsection (htmlcode) - now can specify heading style (normal and all-link) and indentation (none or a little)
  • split statistics nodelet into 2 collapsible sections, which are now htmlcodes statsection_global and statsection_personal
  • modifed displayWriteupInfo (htmlcode) to let editors enter their kill-reason where the WU is, so they don't have to remember why they deleted it (it could be annoying when removing several WUs in the same e2node)
  • converted the killing floor II into a superdocnolinks so links in the incoming reason wouldn't be generated into links

the twenty fourth day of the month March in the two thousandth and second year of our LORD

  • updated sendPrivateMessage (htmlcode) to not try to get the (removed) 'lockeduser' nodetype, which caused an SQL warning

A long time ago
Back...     ...to the Future...
...Part 2