When I first moved out, I guess I got a very popular number, because really rude people kept calling for a girl named Theresa.

I got sick of being woken up at 3 am by random people to whom she owend money/drugs/sex so I found a real easy solution. A very mean one, but an easy one.

Riiiiiing!, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

Me: Allo?

Them: Is Theresa there? Tell her I need to talk to her ASAP.

Me::::sob::: I am sorry, Theresa is...is...DEAD!!! ::::SOB!:::

Them: Pause... You sure?

Me Yeah, she had a bad accident that we... we try not to talk about cause it is too...sob::: horrible....

Them: Umm...Ummm...Umm...I am sorry... Um... well, tell her Rob called...CLICK!

The calls stopped after that....