I shudder to think, to imagine, what would happen if Buddhists declared a jihad.

Muslims and Israelites toting guns through the streets, intent on mass conversion through intimidation; Christians pilfering the banks and businesses so that they can collect "their" 10% from humanity at large.... these possibilities hold very little power over my conscience because I would expect that. But a Buddhist brandishing a bomb in a mall, madly shouting, "EMBRACE THE TAO!!!".... That terrifies me. Of course, nothing like that has or would happen, but just the mere thought of it makes me shiver with dread.

All the mental and physical conditioning that hardcore taoist monks are privvy to and willpower, if unleashed upon the world in blind religious gluttony, could be totally devastating. Such an event would prey on my mind 'till my dying breath. People don't think about the possibility that it could happen, but if you ponder it for just a moment... doubtless the taoists know what they're capable of- which is probably why they're so reserved. Wise people, they are. And wise people know that simply having power is not the show of strength that not using it can be.

But just imagine it... 10,000 maniacal bald heads running across a rice-pattie field, their eyes burning with zeal and staring back at you, like Kung Fu meets Braveheart.

It's the stuff of nightmares. Beware!