Note: This w/u will only make sense if you read the full node, i.e. the original node- or if you're acquainted with Bloom County and its (mostly amusing) characters.


Hrm... it's been a long time since I read any Bloom County books or comics, but I would swear that there was one episode where it was revealed that Rosebud was actually female and something about Bill the Cat and Rosebud getting married and having a whole mess of little 'uns.

Of course, like I said, it's been almost 15 years since I last read a Bloom County comic (I quit reading once Outland came out, which didn't have the same appeal to me as Bloom County did, even though some of the previous cast would cameo sometimes), I could be completely mistaken about Rosebud and Bill... but I distinctly remember seeing little, bouncing cats with antlers and mini-basselopes bounding on the kitchen floor at Bill the Cat's feet while he yells something to Rosebud.

Caused quite a scandal, too, if I recall.

And if it didn't happen, well it should have.

Well, it turns out that I was mistaken. After months of sleeping on it and letting my memory percolate, I remembered the truth. Rosebud did indeed have a litter of kids. But the father was not Bill the Cat, after all. It was Hodge Podge, the easily excitable liberal rabbit. I distinctly remember Milo Bloom, upon hearing that our friendly hare was a father-to-be, saying, "You mean... they're going to have a jackabasselope?" Or something to that effect.