Some other snippets about sokoban.

  • It was invented in 1982 by Thinking Rabbit Inc.
  • Sokoban is the Japanese word for warehouse keeper.
  • Solving sokoban positions automatically is a subtle AI problem.
  • There is a standard format for sokoban positions.
    • # denotes a wall in the maze
    • . is used for a goal and
    • $ is used for a crate.
    • @ is the man.
    • + is used for the man on a goal.
    • * is a crate that is stacked on a goal.

    Here's a position (created by Noether):

      #  #
    ###  ###
    #  .*  #
    # #**# #
    #   *@ #
    ##   ###
     #$# #
     #   #
  • Creating Sokoban positions is a mixture of art and science. Why not have a go?