The new season of Doctor Who (the 27th I believe) began on March 26, 2005. Christopher Eccleston is the Doctor. He wears a leather coat and is not afraid of a bit of sexual innuendo. The production values and special effects are quite nice comparable to the revamped Battlestar Galactica.

Some things have changed, some have stayed the same (mind you as I now live in the US I have to bit torrent all of my episodes and I have only seen the first three so far): The TARDIS (outwardly) has stayed the same, the control room is much larger than before and much glomier.

Apparently the Time Lords are gone and Galifrey is now a dead planet. There have been references to a Time War, which wiped out the Time Lords and left the Doctor as the only surviving member of his species (hey, can't have the Doctor without the Master so likely there is at least one other Time Lord out ther somewhere].

I will leave detailed episode write ups to someone else. But it's nice to have the Doctor back. I've certainly missed him and the new season so far holds up to the promise of the old while taking it to the next level.