Tomer Falk, known here and in IRC as enwhysea, died last friday night and was interred yesterday afternoon. I intended to attend the funeral but woke up late and it was too hot.

Tomer was a controversal persona in the IRC community of #israel, Efnet. He served as a senior channel operator at certain times, and was stripped of his power during others. He enjoyed ensnaring trolls into traps that let him throw the book at them and ban them from the channel. This was one of his favorite games. In general, debate was an occupation he developed into an art.

I, for one, grew to like him during the years I got to know him. He used to ask me questions on religious topics, me being one of the few in the channel that know this area. He himself showed quite a deep knowledge and understanding in these topics, and my chats with him offered me a never-ending challenge.

During the last few years, when his illness broke out, he did not surrender to it. He struggled against it and the health institution as best as he could, continuing meanwhile to travel, engage in routine activities and have fun as much as his illness allowed. Never was he known to grumble or give up, and it was always fun to have him in the channel.

Though he wasn't religious, he asked me and others in the channel to pray for him. I have no idea whether he actually believed in the power of prayer, or did that because he realized it would let us feel we were doing what we could for him, thus giving us satisfaction. He actually once told me that that was the reason; I can't tell whether he was joking or not.

I'll miss my chats with him, his teasing, his mischievousness and his brilliant mind. I'll try to keep reciting mishna and psalms for his soul's benefit, as I've endeavored till now to pray for his recovery. May he rest in peace.