I think one lesson that you should learn from Napster is that if you send child pornography, illegal drugs, or automatic weapons to people in the United States, it's really the fault of the United States Postal Service. Hell, they were the ones who provided the means for distribution. Same goes for UPS, FedEx, Roadway, Airborne, and Bob's Discount Delivery Service.

Let's sue the telecommunications companies for laying the cable that allows illegal data to move from one place to another. Let's also sue Maxtor, Quantum, and Seagate, since they're the ones that let us store all that illegal stuff... I mean, if we didn't have the hard drive space, we couldn't transfer mp3s back and forth, could we?

Shit, if only John Bardeen, William B. Shockley, and Walter Brattain were alive. Then we could sue their asses for inventing the transistor. I mean, if it wasn't for them, none of this illegal stuff would be happening.