The fictional language Marain (as created by Iain M. Banks in the Culture novels) is an example of a language created according to this sort of idea, except as less of a control thing than Newspeak. It's a bit more subtle than that. Apparently the Minds that created it still mostly consider it the best way of communciation, even during the time of the various novels (X number of thousands/millions of years after it's creation at some unspecified far ago time). From hyper-advanced artificial intelligences that's high praise.

At one point in "The Player Of Games", the drone thinks that Gurgeh is becoming less of a nice civilized person due to the fact that he isn't speaking Marain all the time (as he's in the Empire of Azad at the time)

Unfortunately we only know a few words of it ("Morat" and "Shequi" are two I can remember offhand), so we can't analyse this. Oh well, I suppose Banks has better things to do with his existence than make up entire new languages.

See also "A Few Notes on the Culture". (and, just for fun, Culture Ship Names)