A brother noder suggested revisiting an old node titled Creativity, the essence of being human, which I agree with him is a worthwhile read. (He even suggested it to be ching!worthy, which it might be, but I have a long list of nodes to use my ching!s toward, and I much prefer to use this tool to encourage the good work of active noders, over that of flens. Yes I did just refer to flens as if it were a thing. It's a thing, now.

And speaking of old nodes by active noders, The Custodian recently massively expanded his old node on the film Outland. As this expansion was at my suggestion (having come across the much shorter old version during his ongoing node audit), and as I appreciate the seriousness which Custo attacked the task with (I'll call it Custo gusto) I would be remiss in not recommending a second look to any who might have shrugged at the old version.

And speaking of auditing news:

Tem42 is still done.
The Custodian -- on page 27 out of 40.... I go up a page, and what happens? Custo adds a page of write-ups. So it goes.
wertperch -- on page 1 out of 10
gnarl -- on page 1 out of 6 (this is happening; this is going to happen)