Intense Stomach Pain: Refuses to Go Away until after Eating some Bread

Today, I realized that drinking Frutopia or any other cold flavored drink on an empty stomach may lead to intense stomach pain.

I had gotten out of bed today almost 30 minutes late, and it was critical that I got to the bus stop or else I would be brutally murdered by my parents (or face the equally horrendous alternative of walking 11 miles to school).

Anyway, I ran out the door as fast as I could, only bothering to brush my teeth and nothing else, no showering or eating breakfast, just running as fast as I could with my pants hanging loosely around me (as I did not have enough time to buckle up my belt). I made it to the schoolbus about 1 second before it was going to leave.

After arriving at BCA, I was very hungry/thirsty.

Due to my sprinting and also my skipping of breakfast, I was insanely thirsty so I decided to go and buy something at the school cafeteria. They were selling bagels and drinks for a dollar each, but buying a bagel for a dollar didn't seem worth it. Anyway, I figured I was more thirsty than hungry, so I took a full bottle of Frutopia. I quickly drank it before the first class of the morning started.

The next thing I know, I was practically rolling on the floor in agony

My stomach felt like it had been punched repeatedly by someone very strong, say George Foreman and constantly swelled in pain. Well, it didn't actually swell, but it felt like it. Imagination I guess. I can't explain it, but now I realize: never drink Frutopia on an empty stomach. Must be the acid or flavor or just the coldness of it. It was until I ate some bread for lunch that the pain abided.