This information hub (and the political aspects of it in particular) demands more sarcasm. Not only does sarcasm verify your status as a pinnacle of wit and enhance the validity of your case, it will fatally wound any argument the opposition has made to date and cause your nemesis to depart to a parental figure or significant other, sobbing at your dazzling riposte. It is more than likely that you will convert them to your perspective very quickly. Sarcasm is never infantile, divisive or baselessly rude. Anyone who claims this is so is equipped with a pre-school intellect and should be dealt with as such. This means condescension, in case you didn’t know.

So if I posted a loaded topic with the title "War is good" and then proceeded to write with an implied Texan drawl and poor grammar (or, conversely, "War is, like, bad, maaaan..." with the appropriate exploitation of linguistic idiosyncrasies and logical fallacies), I ought to be regarded as the next Oscar Wilde. Factor in as many insinuations of morally reprehensible behaviour on the part of the opposing side as you can. It doesn't matter if they're accurate - you just made them accurate. Similarly, racism and ideology-based slurs are substantiative and will generally increase the level of logic-trampling aggression (which I think we can all agree is a desirable goal, or else).

Italics and bold text can do anything. Anything.

Repeat your arguments in progressively more simplistic terms to anyone who raises queries (they obviously wouldn't understand anyway), denotes erroneous statistics (which can prove anything beyond the merest vestige of doubt, context notwithstanding) or attempts to respond in kind (it doesn't work when they do it). Repetition is a potent tool with which to bludgeon your opponent into submission. If they cease to respond, you can claim incontrovertible victory. Personalise every dispute - that's right, Mr./Mrs./Ms. (your surname) of (your address), whose significant other I frequently engage in illicit acts with, your argument makes "like, so much sense it blows my mind, because I ‘am’ impressed by your ‘succinct style’ and ‘laudable stance’." I also have pictures of you.

Be a pedant. Come on, it feels good and if they repeatedly tautologise unnecessarily for no reason, they're just asking for it. You cannot make grammatical errors, or if you do they are either the product of a defective keyboard or in no way undermine the integrity of your argument. Maintain this always. Thoroughly scrutinise every post for the slightest floor. Flaw, even.

Homogenise everyone because they are all the same. See them? They're tree hugging hippies, so their brains are addled by hallucinogens which they purchased with unemployment benefit money (you might wish to note here that unemployment benefits are excessive and that you find their hairstyles offensive). And those conservative Bible-thumpers - I've never previously encountered a group who, without exception, promptly need to be turned into pillars of salt.

Be provocative, stupid. It helps the conversation flow.

For the benefit of those not endowed with your scathing wit (and let's be brutally honest here), you might want to provide a disclaimer*; not everyone can keep pace with you, you great big shining star.

*Like this, which would tell you that I am being sarcastic, if I was. I'm not, though.