Yield is a term used in chemistry and chemical engineering to describe the performance of a reactor or a plant. More specifically, it is a measure for the amount of a desired product formed in a chemical reaction. This factor largely determines the cost of a chemical process and the desired product. There are several definitions of yield, and it is important to always state the basis of any yield figures. Unfortunately, this isn't always explicitly done.

The first definition of yield, the reaction yield or chemical yield is only dependent on chemical losses to undesired products, or side products. The choice of what is a desired resp. undesired in this case depends on the objective of the chemical process. However, it is important to understand how undesired products are formed in a chemical process. This can occur by either parallel reactions (competing reactions), or series reactions (consecutive reactions).

Parallel reactions are of the type:

          R → D
          R → U
Where R is a reactant, D is the desired product, and U is an undesired product. An example of this reaction is the oxidation of ethylene (CH2=CH2) to ethylene oxide:
                          / \   
          CH2=CH2 + O2 → CH2=CH2

          CH2=CH2 + O2 → 2 CO2 + 2 H2O
Series reactions are of the type:
          R → D → U
An example of this reaction is the synthesis of ethanol (C2H5OH) by the hydrolysis of ethylene. In this reaction, diethyl ether, (C2H5O)2O is formed as a by-product.
          CH2=CH2 + H2O → C2H5OH

          2 C2H5OH → (C2H5O)2O + H2O
To confuse matters even more, the reaction yield has two common definitions: the first definition is based on the ratio of moles of desired product (D) formed at the end of the reaction to the number of moles of the key reactant (R):
          YD = ND / (NR0 - NR)

Where YD is the reaction yield of product D, NR0 is the initial number of moles of reactant R, and NR is the number of moles of reactant R at the end of the reaction. This is the definition for batch reactors. The definition for flow reactors is similar: in this case the ratio of flow rates for the reactor species is taken instead of the number of moles. The second definition of reaction yield is based on the ratio of reaction rates. In this case the yield is equal to the rate of formation of the desired product divided by the rate of disappearance of reactant R:

          YD = rD / -rR
Where rD is the rate of formation of species D per unit volume (mol D/sec.dm3) and -rR is the rate of disappearance of species R per unit volume (mol R/sec.dm3)

The reaction yield does not take into account physical losses of product, but only chemical losses to side products. A second definition, the reactor yield also include physical losses. And third, there is a plant yield, which is applied to a complete chemical plant, or a stage of a chemical plant:

  Plant Yield = (mols D produced)×(stoichiometric factor)/(mols R fed to process)
Yield is related to conversion, although it must be noted that yield is defined in terms of product, and conversion in terms of reactants. To run a chemical plant economically, a reaction process must be optimized for both conversion as well as yield. Another important (and related) parameter for optimizing reactor efficiency is selectivity.