A morning dream. Jean Christien was performing at the end of the world series. San Diego lighting or chargers or some fast paced name I tagged to the end of San Diego had just won and different celebrities were going on the field to preform (I saw only the prime minister though I just knew others had come before). Jean was all by himself on this big green field and was sort of run skipping in a large circle yodelling (in my dream I attached some sort of texas yodelling lable to his style). The crowd was loudly booing and making fun of him. My hearing (I saw this all through omnipresent eyes) was focusing in on some of the mocking - stuff like 'who is this bum' 'get this loser off the field'. Then this security guard took upon himself to start towards the prime minister to escort him off the field but (I feel I inserted these guys in myself during the dream because I felt bad for Jean) then the two guys that organized the entertainment for the post world series celebrations stopped the guard and one of the guys (the shorter one) sort palm smash grabbed the security guards face in an extremely dramatic way and the dream kind of freeze framed on the point of impact as the dream was as stunned as the guard was.