Speculation on the evolution of the cumshot:
  • Origin in classic, black & white pornographic stag films, following the time-honoured quasi-birth control measure of coitus interruptus; pulling out at the last minute so as to avoid the needless expense and messy risk of abortions for impregnated female early porn stars. Spillover on convenient nearby pubic area, legs and abdomen. Side benefit observed - "proof" of the orgasm (or at least ejaculation) experienced by male performers is muchly sympathized with by a primarily male audience.
  • The "Golden Age" of porn ('60s-'70s) following the invention of the birth control pill sees the transition of semen's symbolism from long-term practical (threat of pregnancy) to short-term triumphal (yup, he *sure* came, all right.) With the newly-assigned value comes directions from in-charge, liberated females: "I want you to come here:" here increasingly being raised to the belly, meaning the audience can now rank studs on distance. With the mainstreaming of the act of oral sex following Deep Throat's release in 1972, semen begins to be seen (outside of the bedrooms of so-called sodomites) in the mouth area.
  • The VHS home video porn revolution through the '80s and '90s puts an increased significance on the man's spectacularly-delivered orgasm, frequently presented in a separately-cut and differently-posed apres-sex staging so the semen could land places the prostate just couldn't succeed at reliably reaching down from missionary-position distances: breasts, mouth, neck and hair. Does this represent a shift in the power dynamics of the ejaculatory act, from "I will not impregnate you" to "I will follow your request" to "Now I'm in your face. Literally. Deal with the mess"? Increasing instances of inter-racial porn now are also presenting the supposedly-pleasing contrast of the white semen splashed across a darker canvas. Also the continuing mainstreaming of penetration from behind produces the flash-in-the-pan phenomenon of withdrawal, condom removal in one swift maneuvre (if any is worn at all) and ejaculation upon the recipient's back and/or buttocks - this nearly disappears in the next phase.
  • '90s to present: Combining the explosion of Internet porn availability sustaining even the obscurest fetish or predilection (among which cumshots rank easily in the most popular 10) with porn companies having been in business long enough now to produce entire videos consisting exclusively of cumshots from films in their past catalogue spliced together (for those who simply can't abide the unbearable tedium of that boring foreplay and intercourse crap) results in the cumshot now having to be something quite special indeed to stand out from 90 minutes of same - we now start seeing semen squirted into eyes (that's gotta sting! and that appealing scrunched-up constipated face porn stars make upon anticipation of male climax - can't beat it!), cheeks, mouth still (now frequently presented back elegantly upon tongue like the remains of an oyster) and the laughable spazmodic shaking/wiggling whack-off for the Jackson Pollock fans in the audience. Gangbangs are now willing to penetrate anything remotely ressembling an orifice, but strangely ejaculation increasingly fails to occur anywhere other than the facial area of the recipient.

Looking back at these trends, we can only for the future advise the porn consumer to keep their eyes open (though we advise the use of goggles!) for increasing occurrences of ejaculation on the recipient's forehead and right over the top of their head, forcibly asserting one of the fouler male secretions as superior to the woman's highest chakra point. I also predict bukkake's gonna break big - bring an umbrella.

I don't write up on sexy stuffs often, but when I do it's a hum-dinger.

(No, that's not a euphemism for anything.)

Oh yes! I forgot to mention the differences between male and female cum-shots, now that we have videos and websites offering to show us so-called female ejaculation (or at least squirts of urine and/or strange fluids pumped through tubes under the actress' hands...) , almost always portrayed front and centre, unblocked, erupting arcing unhindered towards the camera like a geyser in a nature video. Will you ever see a woman ejaculating into men's eyes? Groups of women taking turns ejaculating into a man's mouth? Why isn't this elusive act afforded the same besmirching-the-partner status as male ejaculation? This is my opportunity to take a serious look and ask the hard questions the porn industry refuses to take a stand on.

That sounds almost like a punchline. But hey, if anyone has any material to add regarding parallels to these trends in the un(der)explored-here-by-me realm of gay porn, please contribute!