Pish-tosh. Primitive superstition.

Primitive superstition, however, grounded in fact. The Machineries did indeed reside in this collosal icebox, until cheap labour from DMan's camps undercut the price and the market for beige collapsed. Nobody knows quite what happened to the dwarves, though Minsky's Force of Habit Rule seems to indicate that they're still down there, toiling forever in the production of beige...

Anyway, shortly after the market collapsed and Dman's labour camps were taken over by the Gates empire, geeks around the world, working covertly in isolated cells of a planetwide revolutionary organisation set about the liberation of the beige caravans from tyranny.
Eventually they developed the indomitable beigewell of modern beige-production...

Today, the required beige is produced at the location it is needed, in a network of low-energy particle accelerators, each of which is slaved to an individual CPU which receives its beige-production schematics from a server at the following URL:


Now tyrants no longer may control the source of all beige, unless this server should fall...