As a bit of an addendum to LordOmar's writeup:
In my travels through high school, I occasionally stop by Starbucks (what can I say, it's the only decent place in town.. the donut shop has crap coffee) and pick up a beverage and some mints. Because of this, I must forego lunch later in the day; I don't think too much of this, as it's still early morning and I've just had a pop-tart.

Finally, lunch time rolls around, and I've got no money and am hungry.

"But wait! What's this? Ah, yes, I got some Starbucks mints! Perhaps those will tide me over 'till I get home.

Hmm... they're pretty small... I'd better eat three or four at once..."

crunch crunch crunch

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I found out that if you chew several at once, you can feel the minty-freshness in your nose.

It actually burns a little at first if you're not used to it.

This has been a public service announcement. Thank you for your time.