But Art's purpose doesn't have anything to do with money, really, so it gets ignored.

The purpose of Art, simply, is to provide a method of understanding that transcends or sidesteps our *normal* methods of thinking. This is invaluable to human development, you know; if there isn't a new way to discover things, there isn't much new to discover.

And the "what is Art?" question is totally unanswerable, by the way. It's a completely subjective thought. If something moves you to an understanding somehow unreachable for you by the common paths of words and reason, it's Art for you. The butterfly that landed on Patch Adams and made him realize that his dead girlfriend would never really die was, to him, Art. Art is, in short, the name we give to the carriers of divine revelation; an artist is one who--no matter how--produces things that (even in one person) induce this kind of quantum understanding. Something that tickles one's fancy is not Art. Something pretty is not necessarily Art, though extreme beauty has been known to shock people into understanding on occassion (re: The Mona Lisa, Sistine Chapel, etc.). But in order to determine if, say, Shakespeare's tenth sonnet is Art, I'd have to ask around indefinitely--if I found a person who'd been moved by it in the above ways, it's Art, at least once. If I don't find anybody thus impressed, well, maybe I haven't looked hard enough.

Does that make everything Art in potentia? Yeah, I think so. Art is a process, a dialog, not a cause-and-effect like many people seem to think. So maybe the can of dogshit perched on a yellow pedastal isn't going to be very widely effective Art; granted. But are you willing to bet that there isn't a single human being out there who has the right things in him to, combined with a can of crap on a yellow pedastal, produce revelation-style understanding? I'm not. I've gotten it from cheese.

ADDENDUM (a day later): I have no idea what to make of all your obsessions with Art-Science. I don't think of Art and Science as brothers fighting for rational recognition, or as Doozers building desperately towards the Ceiling of All Things...I think of them as two of the Endless Things; two concepts so old and so large to us that trying to find commonalities between them is like trying to get the Gods to take a personality test in Cozmo. So...as interesting as the rest of this argument became, I think I'm gonna step off and shut my mouth for once, and leave *this* node as it stands. Er...even though it pissed you off, Sarcasmo.