Well, today was interesting.
I am in AP environmental in high school this year.

Today we took a field trip! Don't we all love field trips! No going to school, good lunches!
Today we canoed (all 30 of us) down the Anacostia river for five miles (which took 3 hours with stops). For those in the non Washington-Metropolitan area, the Anacostia is very well known, mainly for its horrible water quality -- pollution. So we were not swimming but trying to keep all water from the river out of our boats and off of us.

For those in the area, we started near where the Rhode Island stop on the red line and ended near Anacostia Station on the Green Line.

It was a lot of fun. However, it was very cold and raining for the most part of our trip so that we got quite soaked and got wierd stares from other metro passengers. I'm sure we smelled too. But, fun nonetheless since we missed a full days for of school and canoed!

Today is also our school Go-Go, which I may be attending. There was a stupid NPR thing this morning about how our school is practicing ratial profiling, whatever... I didn't hear it.

So, hope to party tonight but I'm very tired after today's trip. Who knows.

I hope everyone on Everything2 has a great weekend!